【公價貨品】HAPPYDAYS 矽膠奶咀2個裝連盒(2號) - 款式隨機發貨

Sale price $35.00 Regular price
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NUK出產的奶嘴皆有ANTI-COLIC AIR SYSTEM 防脹氣自動進氣系統,能降低嬰兒在吸吮和飲奶時因吸入過多空氣而引起的腸胃不適。其不對稱的形狀-仿效自哺喂母乳時的媽媽乳頭形狀。NUK 奶嘴自然的符合下頷,能訓練口腔肌肉。奶嘴拉環部分較扁塌,讓嬰兒在睡眠時更自在、減低寶寶下頷和牙床施加的壓力及有效訓練嘴唇、下頷和舌頭的肌肉。

NUK出產的奶嘴皆有ANTI-COLIC AIR SYSTEM 防脹氣自動進氣系統,能降低嬰兒在吸吮和飲奶時因吸入過多空氣而引起的腸胃不適。其不對稱的形狀-仿效自哺喂母乳時的媽媽乳頭形狀。NUK 奶嘴自然的符合下頷,能訓練口腔肌肉。奶嘴拉環部分較扁塌,讓嬰兒在睡眠時更自在、減低寶寶下頷和牙床施加的壓力及有效訓練嘴唇、下頷和舌頭的肌肉。

  • Improved NUK original shape – modelled on a mother’s nipple as she breastfeeds, which fits optimally into the mouth when a baby sucks on it
  • Thinner and narrower teat neck reduces pressure on jaws and teeth
  • Flat baglet and smooth underside; pleasant feeling in mouth; plenty room for natural sucking movements
  • Age S1: 0-6m, S2: 6-18m, BPA-free, 2 per pack
  • Different colours and motifs 

